i was happy to see new tracks being added so soon. this was a priority and it was a right choice to do that. and while i want to make it clear that i dont complain about gifts, i still want to analyze the new tracks in hopes that maybe the officials will consider my opinion, just like they consider opinions of people asking to make weapons weaker
the snow track really feels like the developers wanted to add something fast and didnt have time to work on something complex. the tracks feels like something from a cheap PS1 kart game. there is nothing to it. even the jump at the end feels like it was added just that there was at least something going on. in comparison even reverse Shanghai feels more fun (i also like night tracks). on snowmobile you can do all corners without drifting and you dont need to use boost pads. this is the fastest way to go around track. a better design would be that you are required to drift so you dont oversteer into walls and you really need to use boost pads.
and i really dont understand the decisions to place boost pads and speed lanes (from night Shanghai) near outer walls, you wouldnt want to purposely take wrong racing line and it doesnt compensate for how much time you're losing. this should always be your racing line

i also want to remind the developers that we still need to be able to remap buttons and have restart and end game buttons for lobby. this shouldnt be hard to do