the officials don't like me scolding them, so now let's go back to what we have been doing all this time - say something nice about better things they do. and the only better thing i can think of now is nemo kart. i think i should respond to what i was hoping for earlier
a concern was about how smooth the mechanics will be and what we got is impressive. there's no chunkiness in sight, something that even dedicated racing games often fail it. the game uses similar drifting mechanics as mario kart, which i stated that i dont like, so when you drift, it pushes you into outer wall. this is different from other racing games i played, but with time i learned how to use this drifting system properly, the idea is to start drifting long before you approach corner. then you can make tight turns and it even feels nice. still not a drifting system i am used to and some kids may have harder time with it. luckily a lot of corners can be taken without drifting, though if faster karts are introduced, then drifting will be necessary. and i hope they will be introduced, because i want faster karts
the first track is incredible, both visually and by it's course. just like i wanted it, the track features shortcuts and multiple paths. the first shortcut is pretty cool because of being risky. but with time you learn to execute this shortcut without crashing every time
another hope was for supporting those, who drive behind. and we've got it with players behind receiving boost and weapons, while leading player only gets bananas and gears. still, because of my experience with racing games, this did not help them much and i still won every race i played. i dont think any changes should be made, because not everyone spent as much time on racing games as me. so it should help other players
the gears system is impressive, and i always appreciate unique mechanics in racing games
grass slows you down just right, it feels good when it slows you down a lot and prevents you from cutting corners, so no changes needed
i didn't find any exploits, that make you go faster than you should or cut parts of the track. this is good
regarding kart balance, i cant say much about it, because in racing games i usually pick the best vehicle and stick with it. i don't like changing vehicles, as you may perform worse with unfamiliar vehicle
we have a selection of karts, but more tracks are necessary to not keep the game stale. for now it's something you play for a little and go back to other modes. but i would spend a lot of time with nemo kart, if there were more tracks
the option to turn off power ups is nice, because i dont really like power ups, unless it's boost. for my friends i will still keep it on. for some reason the buttons to restart game and go back to lobby are missing. those are needed. and preferably there needs to be fast restart, without loading the map and selecting karts again, i like practicing
maybe some of you can come up with kart ideas. for now i can only think of golf kart, because i like golf
overall nemo kart is better than i expected and there's not much i don't like about it. i even got used to bizzare controls
i have already recorded some tips for kart racing, but i will keep it for full video. i can still send you those tips in DM so you can improve racing right away. this is the time for 1 lap that you should beat:

(don't add leaderboard, it's stressful)