Max2015 Everyone here has the best answer in my opinion !! Sadly I can't give it to every message xD

    I have a question about winter cabin. Sometimes I sit down or log in my screen will go black. It will remain black until I leave. Does anyone else have this problem or is it just me?

      Krym You should file a ticket with that !! That's not good

      • Krym replied to this.

        I have another discussion for ai only if u wanna take a look just made it you can use all images there, im sure soon there will be some more ai. but yea.

        just don't post AI art here,, I don't like them. I might be biased towards that, especially how AI feels, as if it mocks me and other artists, and I am sorry. I will still support and give credit for your prompts !! Love ya /p