TinyTeaCup I love warrior cats- all of them are amazing but I like 3 the most!
My art and hangout area !!
TinyTeaCup very cuuute !! I like the first one, I like seeing the adorable faces
ty tiny
TinyTeaCup You are always welcome, my friend <3
- Edited
I have another discussion for ai only if u wanna take a look just made it you can use all images there, im sure soon there will be some more ai. but yea.
TinyTeaCup https://forum.partyanimals.com/d/4431-drawings-thread/15
did you not know this thread was a thing?
just don't post AI art here,, I don't like them. I might be biased towards that, especially how AI feels, as if it mocks me and other artists, and I am sorry. I will still support and give credit for your prompts !! Love ya /p
TinyTeaCup Then use it please, we already have an art thread
yeah, but you are suggesting AI art to be in it, there's a thread for it now, so use this link for those kinds of art.
no but i can
TinyTeaCup If you can use drawings thread please
but im not very good with tech idk how to transfer my art from my phone pictures to my computer folder...
TinyTeaCup this is amazing! Wonderful job!
My favorite is the black cat