Thunderbird7047 Gamer65 maybe cult of the lamb not party animals though some people in this forum have been around since day one
Thunderbird7047 galaxy-cabbage i own the cult of the lamb skin but that doesn't make someone not Christian
Thunderbird7047 Gamer65 I agree the game may be demonic but it's a game with a great story and characters it's because cabbage is a kid that's told what's right and what's wrong
PiggyHead Thunderbird7047 no, it's because the maker of the game is demonic and will spread demonic spirits
PlucktheDragonPA No one in the Party Animals forum has ever requesting Bub from the Bubble Bobble/Puzzle Bobble franchise. Note: Pink arms and legs for male bubble dragons, and blue arms and legs for female bubble dragons.
PepperPawzz I made an oopsie and posted this skin into “skin suggestions” so SORRY ABT THAT!! <3 Anyways, I highly doubt this would happen buuuut. This is a Bluey skin (with Sam used as a template).
Igor PlucktheDragonPA why nintendo of america? japan is much closer to them. console exclusive is more likely, but does nintendo know about party animals?
Squidward2003 Igor Quiero decir, se suponía que Iba a aparecer en Nintendo Switch, pero nunca lo hicieron.
PepperPawzz Since this post has become a bit dusty, I decided to draw the Cole cat from Vegetable Fairies as another possible Vegetable Fairies collab?
Offtopia I feel like a Nintendo Collab would be characters such as Nemo or garfat just having a Mario or Luigi cap slapped on their head with a mustache but I would still really love it