collab ideas
If there were ever a collaboration with Capcom, which dog would use Rush's skin?
Which cat would wear the Tango skin?
And who...?
Oh come on, we all know who would use the Beat skin
Shaun the sheep and his friend bitzer as playable characters
Hi @vile_Terrier and @Falos1209
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us.
We will pass them on to our team for consideration.
- Edited
since recreate games started working with konami, i think they now have a good reason to create Metal Gear Solid skins, because:
- the game is coming to playstation
- it's the year of snake soon
but which party animals character would be the best Snake?
Igor Well, the closest thing to the snake in the game would be the Chinese dragon, Lotus.
But based on another characteristic... like the hairstyle, it could be Spike.
vile_Terrier lotus is year of the dragon skin, so we will soon have to say goodbye to him. Max looks like a good Snake to me, but he already have contra skin. i hope they chose contra skins because they like the game and not because they couldnt do metal gear skins. next after Max i could think of is Sam, he should look cool with eyepatch. i'll think more after i wake up
we should also think what characters from games released on playstation we could collab with. it doesnt have to be animal, but such costume, that could look nice on party animals character. i'd love to see Katamari skins, but Katamari characters have silly wide heads that may not fit to the game
Falos1209 i was talking about character from metal gear solid named Snake, not snake model for party animals.
@galaxy-cabbage already showed me that image. robotic bodies may not be suitable for party animals model, because other characters are all soft bodies
Guys imagine this guy in party animals
doni bobs owl
CheeseyPoofs came to shit up another thread? you know full well we dont want to see you here and you purposely make any suggestion that came to your mind. you keep pretending you are here to talk about the game, while your true intention is to make a mess on this forum, bother people, making them feel uncomfortable and do crime. you want to destroy this forum and you want to make people stop using it. aside of that you are good for nothing. and even if people all ignored you, you would not find home in any community, because everyone can still see how much of a dumb, mentally ill and worthless shit you are