Hello there.
I'd like to share some food for thought and hear others' opinions on this. I am also very curious as to what the game's developers think about stuff like this. Is this "magic of physics" or a combined mechanic abuse?
At the moment there are about 3 things like this: the one I'm going to bring up here, the one that allows you to throw objects 1000kms away, and the simpler one which is basically a jump punch that allows you to cover the same distances as you would with a dropkick, but with no drawback of getting up from the ground.
They are all born out of momentum generated by the player actions (running/grabbing/jumping/punching/kicking) and are not RNG, meaning you can do them anytime on demand.
My stance on the matter is simple: this is movement mechanic exploits, all 3 of them. I wouldn't want to see them in the game. Stuff like that could be exclusive to powerup gimmicks or whatever, but not available just like that.
I don't know how many people who have stumbled upon this topic actually dealt with players who use these, but I'll link a few examples here.
To perform self- flinging, you have to very quickly input a combination of SPRINT (moving anywhere) + PUNCH + JUMP + KICK. The action sequence then breaks/shifts, and your character first performs jumpkick and then punches mid-air, creating a lot of momentum as a result. The key is to boost the generated momentum with additional momentum.
Depending on the timing you get different results, but it's easy to spot it being performed because the character body starts sort of "free-floating". See below.
1. It allows you to cover large distances.
...and taking lives in the process.
2. It generates a lot of momentum/force.
So much that you're 100% knocking out somebody if you land on them.
You can do this while standing still, knocking the soul out of your enemies.
I won't go in detail about how all the cases on where and how it is used, that'll be left up to your imagination and possible future discourse.