Ok so incase u don't know the marines are commonly referred to as the devil dogs, so I took that quite literally, the picture looks a little off I don't really have the hang of a frontal view rather than a side profile,
so I tried my best

I am going to take coco and replace his chain with dog tags and make a skin like that but I'm going to go to bed

    Also that devil dog idea is really fascinating idea

    Thunderbird7047 wonderful job! <3 your drawing is unique and is special to you!
    (ngl every time i draw, its at 12:00 am and i have to sleep :') gn!)

    I've got another art pic
    (Again bored)
    In my style, here what I think carrot would be in human form!šŸ©·

      Hello everyone, This is my first time chatting in Party Animals Forum. (To be honest Iā€™m new in Forum lol)

      • Krym replied to this.