Thunderbird7047 I am going to take coco and replace his chain with dog tags and make a skin like that but I'm going to go to bed
Krym Thunderbird7047 wonderful job! <3 your drawing is unique and is special to you! (ngl every time i draw, its at 12:00 am and i have to sleep :') gn!)
Krym I've got another art pic (Again bored) In my style, here what I think carrot would be in human form!🩷
Squidward2003 Hello everyone, This is my first time chatting in Party Animals Forum. (To be honest I’m new in Forum lol)
Thunderbird7047 Squidward2003 Igor is essentially the man who's seen it all he's been around since the beginning of time and he knows EVERYTHING party animals related
Thunderbird7047 He's extremely useful and helpful too he sometimes gives codes when a new exclusive skin comes out on some sketch Chinese website, other Ogs in the community would probably think differently but for new players and me he's always been there
Thunderbird7047 Squidward2003 that's what I said but once you do it enough your art just goes up hill
Tiny_Fox This is my sketchbook assignment!! It is a WIP right now and color will be added tomorrow :3