Hi there,
Since the very beginning, I've thought the SMASH score system might need some adjustments. I love the mode, and I've had a bunch of fun with it. Seeing it in QM is a blessing, and I'd like to thank the developers for making it happen.
First thing I'd like to put right off the bat: to incentivize people to play the mode more as opposed to classic, it could be a good idea to put rewards for victories (egg coins, cookies, or bucks, again), independent of the normal rewards.
Moving on to the issue at hand, let's quickly review how scoring in SMASH works now:
Round 1 Win Score Award - 50
Round 2 Win Score Award - 100
Round 3 Win Score Award - 150
Round 4 Win Score Award - 200
Round 5 Win Score Award - 250
Round 6 Win Score Award - 300
Total: 1050 points

Every next round awards 50 more points than the previous ones. It's simple logic and simple math: more perks at play, more points awarded. However, this starts making less sense in the grand scheme of things. Let me expand on this:
Case 1: You can win Round 1 and Round 2 and get 150 points, but any other team winning Round 3 will get the same 150 points.
Case 2: You can win Round 1, 2, and 3, and get 300 points, but any team winning Round 4 and 5 will already get 450.
Case 3: You can win Round 1, 2, 3, and 4, and get 500 points, but the team winning Round 5 and 6 will get 550 points, basically making your previous 4 victories obsolete by winning twice.
So, the effort-to-reward ratio isn't really balanced, especially if you consider all the RNG that can happen in a match. Sometimes perks don't matter, or sometimes perks don't work to their fullest due to a random map pick.
I propose reworking the base award system and adding a simple bonus/penalty system on top. Each round victory will award a fixed amount of 100 points (maybe each next round could be 25 points increment instead of 50).
Award 25 points for kills and deduct 25 points for deaths. If you and/or your partner get wiped, you can get a maximum penalty of -50 points per round (score can't go lower than 0). There are 4 teams with 2 players each, so the maximum bonus your team for eliminating everyone can get is 6x25 = 150 per round.
The way I see the benefits of this system:
Overall, it more or less balances out the randomness and unpredictability of the game as well as the effort-to-reward ratio.
Round victories remain consistently valuable, but not entirely definitive of the entire game's outcome.
Aggression/skill is rewarded, so there is more sense to it as opposed to simply avoiding combat. You get bonuses and may compensate for a teammate's elimination and, sometimes, the entire round (if you happen to eliminate 4 players = 4x25 = 100 points).
Idle play or getting eliminated is penalized by either not getting bonus points or flat out losing them.
Note that this is a raw draft and not a fully fleshed-out system, even though I tried. It's a basic adjustment for what we have now. I realize it might perhaps be a bit too competitive for some, but probably nothing a couple adjustments couldn't fix.
Later on, many more things can be added, such as weapon/hazard elimination bonuses, item use bonuses, etc. But maybe there's no need to overcomplicate it.
I'd like to hear others' opinions on this and maybe some awesome suggestions (or constructive criticism, which is always welcome).