• Feature
  • I BEG. this could be a gamechanger...

please make the climbing way easyer to get on the platform you want go back on it. in some maps the climbing isn't working as it should have to work like in that ice map. it's just unfair that youre stuck for about 10 sec in that water just because the climbing isn't working properly.

why is there a long chat mute in friends only custom games ? please do not. it should be there only in quickplay to be fair and honest.

recovery: well i am not thaaaat mad at the recovery when you get knocked but. honestly sometimes it randomly does take more time for some reason... i would wish it pretty much to add like click 20 times spacebar or spam 50 random buttons, like... as a secret feature to recover. and for thoes who want to wait untill you stand back on, the recover should take 5 secounds by doing nothing... in my opinion.

the leveling system is waaay too broken. honestly i would wish that we get like 5 xp everytime we knock players, every kill 10 or 20 xp, every win 200-500 (depends on score and rounds) etc.. and the quests are so rare and kinda hard to get for beginners.

i also suggest to add a free skin pulling machine for like 5000 cookies with chances to get the same skin again and in return you get 500 cookies back if you do get the same skin.

that's it....

also i would be interessted to send some skin ideas 🙂
have a nice day🥰

  • Igor and AnimaI replied to this.
  • SoWestCoast, pcliu, and Yotee like this.
  • I mean... it's sorta like my thread, mine is idea based and his is gamchange based. I guess that ideas are just way more than one thing, like his is just changes to mechanics and mine is new maps, new animals, new skins, new updates, new changes, and new collabs etc. So it's a much more specific version of mine.

    please reply if you wish some gamechangers too! this post should work like a thread

    • meep replied to this.

      I mean... it's sorta like my thread, mine is idea based and his is gamchange based. I guess that ideas are just way more than one thing, like his is just changes to mechanics and mine is new maps, new animals, new skins, new updates, new changes, and new collabs etc. So it's a much more specific version of mine.

        MOOKayrah climbing is easy. it wont ever change

        what "long chat mute"?

        recovery time will remain random. it's better when it's random. it wont change

        leveling shouldnt even be in this game. it's not important


          Picking knocked out players up and tossing them into various situations is kinda part of the game, and it relies on there being a relatively substantial knock-out time.

          It's not going to change.

          And the climbing is already extremely easy. If you want to see what difficult climbing would be like, play the game that this game is a spiritual successor to, Gang Beasts.

          Or Human Fall Flat.

          yes fucking human fall flat climbing lol. you must play those two games to see how much PA physics are better

            the people complaining their punches dont connect are required to play gang beasts

            imagine falling into water and trying to climb ice. you wont climb at all

              The climbing is not so hard and it's working in all maps. Maybe you need to practice and do it better.

                meep I DID NOT read any posts and if i do make a post its 1. my own oppinion 2. my own review 3. the more the better

                Igor human fall flat is made like so but i yea it also not as good as we wish

                Igor i was testing spam in custom game. in my own custom room and ive got chat banned for 6 hours i guess but its fine i was in vc with friends

                what i mean with leveling is the tier unlockment in the loong event for example theyre just hard sometimes

                • Igor replied to this.