Hello, it's mainly for Minshan9!
I want to be sure, that's why i created this topic. Maybe strange, but i would like Minshan9's attention finally! I replied for you 2-3 times in ghost Nemo forum topics already! But you didn't notice me, or i don't know why you didn't reply to me. :-( I asked you please you could give me an orange ghost Nemo code! Thank you. My ingame friend code/ID is JRS9KA. I don't use Discord, sorry and please accept it not everyone do. So please add me ingame with my ID, or add me on Steam, i am Alida84 with orange furry creature avatar, same like here! I hope you will notice me you will reply me here finally! Thank you. If you advertise sometimed in forum topics, at least please read back more carefully, because few players, or maybe somr of them reply you, tell you here something else about it too. For example me. I am sorry, if i was too serious, it's just annoyed me a bit, hope you understand me, if you think about it. Peace and please reply me, please help me about orange ghost Nemo as i suggested where and how you can contact with me in PM! Thank you.
Have a nice day!