minshan9 If you are not scammer, why you never reply me, when i did it more times in few forum topics, where you wrote/advartised your help and why not help me,...? :-/ And here in my created forum topic you ignore, not reply me again, i don't understand why,... I really had enough! I am curious did you read my replies before and what i wrote you in this own forum topic for you!? Maybe are you rude and you avoid people, who don't like use Discord, or what,...? -.- But my luck, since yesterday late evening i could get from somebody else orange ghost Nemo code, so i don't need your help anymore. And you are rude you ignore me! Who advertise help, it's not nice, if he/she make difference and not reply to few ones, like to me, who wrote you 3-4, or more times already! :-/