Allistervf If he is the same who i deleted, he have no right. These are logical and understandable reasons, if somebody told me he will help me, but after a time still not and if he is so inactive, never play with me again, so yes, these are reasonable to delete from friendlist the person, who do it. Not my fault if he is revengeful, if he don't wanna understand these reasons, or i don't know. I could give him a 2nd chance we add friends each other again to help me, i told him and he could try to be more active, but no, he just said he became so sad. Ok, but if he could understand me, he couldn't be so sad. It's a bit childish he ignored me and maybe revenged on me, just because of this,... And i see, but then you could tell me you are on different server, that's why you don't help me. But you could come to the Europe server when you help me, but no,...