"I'm telling you to calm down, because in a discussion about nerfing and buffing, you keep saying stuff like "you must not understand" which is incredibly rude. you're basically saying you know more than others, and that I don't have valuable info to offer. you are dismissing my experience and input. that's the point of saying calm down, and why I said you have a bias."
It's not rude; it's stating a fact. You obviously don't understand the developer intent and have no idea how suspense works in games. If you want to think that's rude for stating a fact, whatever dude. Also it's crazy that you seem to think I'm the only one with bias. You don't think you have a bias? LOL.
@PurePeppermintz: "also, suspense? it's a game. not a book. suspense is not what the game is about. suspense is built up to a choke point, not a fast-paced action game. at no point should we have a weapon that "builds suspense" because that means it slows the burn of the game down. that is objectively unhealthy."
Once again you're demonstrating that you don't understand the intent behind how the game is designed.
NEWSFLASH: Suspense is not just limited to books.