Not today
Invisibility is not a problem
Messi in action
Not today
Invisibility is not a problem
Messi in action
Fasty I'm gonna have to play with you sometime. You always get the craziest things to happen
UnseenMind I feel like the content from Fasty, Komikoza, and Igor could easily fill up a daily Sportscenter Top 10 type show for this game, lol. Always the best clips.
UnseenMind Fasty is the elite player in this game. but he's only on europe server
let me give you a ride
let’s get you some fresh air @Igor
perfectly calculated
Kittenpower That is just beautiful!
Bot Slam Dunk
Currently holding the world record for the cleanest fish throw.
Messing around on the podium screen is an art of its own.
Igor haha, me commenting on one of those vids
magic ball??
Kittenpower no. precise calculation
When showboating goes wrong. I tried a fancy flip off the podium. It didn't end well.
Taking out the trash: No idea who this otter was, but they cleaned house!
Beak, meet wall: Couldn't catch a break here - unless shattering my beak against the wall counts?