Follow up reply: I also really want to commend the devs for actually listening to fan suggestions for characters, levels, events, etc. It's so cool to have a game where pitching a level idea means it might actually happen. I hope to contribute a 3D mockup of an idea sometime in the near future, I just need to find time to do it, heh.
Clip Thread
UnseenMind Yes, this! All my favorite games have level creators. They also all still have a strong fanbase. Like the Trials series, Human Fall Flat or Super Mario Maker. What's smarter than getting your most hardcore fans to make new content for you free of charge. I'd spend a month building a parkour map in Party Animals given the chance.
Thanks for all the new clips people, some of them had me dying.
Plop I looked at some videos of the human fall flat level creator, and party animals could literally do the same thing as that. They even both use unity and it would save them the trouble of making a whole new app for it
just as i planned
precisely calculated
My ultimate power move.
exactly how i planned it to work out
Not today
Invisibility is not a problem
Messi in action
Fasty I'm gonna have to play with you sometime. You always get the craziest things to happen
UnseenMind I feel like the content from Fasty, Komikoza, and Igor could easily fill up a daily Sportscenter Top 10 type show for this game, lol. Always the best clips.
UnseenMind Fasty is the elite player in this game. but he's only on europe server
let me give you a ride
let’s get you some fresh air @Igor
perfectly calculated
Kittenpower That is just beautiful!
Bot Slam Dunk
- Edited
Currently holding the world record for the cleanest fish throw.