One man's dumbchucks, another man's funchucks.

Either way, we can all agree on punchucks.

Even my own friends say that they think nun Chuck's should be needed someone got a win with them in less then a 45 seconds from how broken they are on maps like broken wing and gator valley


    Nerfing nunchucks would ruin the game.

    If you don't like them, learn to pick them up before others do.

    Git gud.

    Yeah they're OP. I think incidences of self-chuckery should be modestly increased, cause stamina to drain faster, or some combination of the two.

      AnimaI You’re such a negative person in many of your posts. You don’t have to agree with people when things suit you, the nun chucks are pretty difficult to take out which is why I ALWAYS go for them myself. It’s not a matter of skill, it’s just a matter of chance…which the chance of you knocking them off of someone is pretty low.

        Soggywaffle "It’s not a matter of skill, it’s just a matter of chance…which the chance of you knocking them off of someone is pretty low."

        This is true. I fully agree with you.

        What a lot of people here don't understand, is that is by design.

        This isn't meant to be a game of skill where people get sweaty and competitive.

        This is a game meant for people to laugh and have a good time and have fun together no matter how much gaming experience they have. In order to provide that experience, luck has to be involved.

        If weapons weren't super powerful and easily accessible to all players as a point of chance, then skill would be the predominant determining factor of victory.

        However, that would make this game like almost every other fighting game, where skill is the biggest decisive factor, and things would get as they say "sweaty".

        "Sweaty" isn't what this game was designed for.

        This is as casual as it gets, and the weapons being super powerful, and super accessible, is designed to reach that goal of casual and fun.

        • jej likes this.

        Soggywaffle "the nun chucks are pretty difficult to take out which is why I ALWAYS go for them myself."

        Exactly why it's a matter of luck. If an item spawns near you, the powers of PA have shown you favor.

        Rather than spending all the time on the forums complaining that nunchucks or shovels are "too powerful",

        what people should consider is that if everything were balanced and these chaotic random factors of luck weren't involved, then the more skilled players would out-compete the players who are new to gaming, who might be coming to this game to enjoy the cuteness or the silliness of it (it's meant to be accessible to everyone).

        So when nunchucks instantly knock you off the platform and send you flying off the map, consider that sometimes the person who picked those nunchucks up might have earned themselves their first victory, and it's all thanks to the nunchucks. They're probably laughing their butts off, all thanks to the nunchucks.

        The nunchucks (or whatever weapon you think is most powerful; I'm quite partial to the shovel, myself) provide an opportunity to give newbie gamers hope that they too can dominate every now and then, if they can pick up the weapons fast enough.

        It provides a much more fun and accessible experience to everyone than it otherwise would if the power of fists-only were closer to the power of weapons through nerfs, and "balances".

        Nerfs and balances are things that developers would implement if this was a game that cared about balancing, in order to allow players with the most skill to properly reflect that in their K/D ratio, so to speak.

        However, this is not that type of games. And that's why such "balancing", and nerfing of weapons just doesn't belong in this type of game.

        Absurdly powerful weapons that are as easy to use as they are to pick up (NOT ALWAYS EASY INNIT)
        make games fun for people who otherwise would have no hope of ever winning a game.

          RxPhantom, the author of this thread who called for a nun-chuck nerf,

          created this post here:

          What @RxPhantom has failed to consider is how nun-chucks might make his/her 6 year old light up with glee when they are able to take someone out, even though they, at only 6 years old, don't have the gaming experience that whomever they were able to take out, might have.

          With all that said, I think I rest my case.