SLIMETrout RxPhantom
RxPhantom SLIMETrout What is my takeaway supposed to be from this article? Even if you don't think they should be nerfed, I think most players would say that the nunchucks are far and away the best weapon in the game. Of course, some weapons are punch higher on certain levels (ice gun on Broken Arrow, for example), but I will almost never pass up the nunchucks in favor of something else.
AnimaI RxPhantom Personally I would take a shovel over nunchucks ANY DAY. Unless we're stuck right next to a wall and I don't have enough room for the shovel. Shovel is WAY easier to kill people quickly than nunchucks in this game.
AnimaI Again though, nothing should be nerfed. All the weapons are perfect, in their current state. The argument is really getting old.
RxPhantom SLIMETrout Yeah totally. I use the shovel, but I never found it to be so much better than anything else.
HappyDogs Even my own friends say that they think nun Chuck's should be needed someone got a win with them in less then a 45 seconds from how broken they are on maps like broken wing and gator valley
RxPhantom HappyDogs Yeah they're OP. I think incidences of self-chuckery should be modestly increased, cause stamina to drain faster, or some combination of the two.
AnimaI No. Nerfing nunchucks would ruin the game. If you don't like them, learn to pick them up before others do. Git gud.