YaboiPoyo he again talks about "doxxing" a person, who doesnt even play party animals game and he still posted no proof that this person is me. gun me down? lol. there are no guns here. did you forget you are talking to a person from the other side of the world? and what kind of sick freak do you have to be to "gun down" someone just for mean words online? but i know that such freaks exist. there are even movies about random haters, who kill the main character, because he insulted them once. some people get really offended by words and do hold grudge for too long. they have problems. but really it's sick freaks like you i would love to beat the shit from for spreading lies and being stalkers. you actually deserve it for being terrible people and disgusting subhumans. but again, i wouldnt waste a minute on a random. you have zero relevance to me. only a sick freak like you is wasting so much time to bother someone, who doesnt even think of you
you seems to think you know too much, yet knowing absolutely nothing. it's not about being mad at you. it's me and other people being disgusted and disturbed by a mentally ill freak being on our forum. but again - you dont win anything from being here. you will only ever be known as a pathetic, miserable troll, bothering people, who dont even think of you. you can keep going for years like this if you want, and we'll keep doing our job informing others about what piece of shit you are
YaboiPoyo You keep tryna act like it doesnt yet you legit just came on here just to argue when i answered a legitimate question so you acting retarded.
very funny. now let's explain to observers, who dont know about you, what you did here. you dont use this forum, you have your own place, where you discuss party animals game. you know that on this forum we hate the use of exploits, that's why you purposely commented here to provoke us. same as you did with streamers thread, it's just a troll thread. terrorists like you are too easy to read. you all act exactly the same
YaboiPoyo The more you feed into it the more imma keep doing it so either learn or keep being entertaining your choice.
that's exactly what we will teach you here. the more you bother us, the more it works against you. you win nothing here, you only waste your time and show yourself as stupid disgusting person. i really dont understand why so many terrorists do it to themselves. and the funniest part is by arguing with me, you only make yourself tired. because i never get tired and i keep doing it for months, but i do know how much terrorists like you get tired. you may later pretend that you're just having fun, but it's not true. so go ahead and make yourself tired if you want
but really we shouldnt call it arguing seeing that you may actually have mild retardation. you dont understand anything i say to you and keep replying with schizophrenic nonsense. you cant reason with intellectually deficient or mentally ill person. i could just reply to you with random pictures and it would make no difference. you have zero logic and cant justify anything you say. i know how pointless it is to try to explain anything to a crazy person, so i cant take you seriously. you may as well be on drugs while you post here, this may explain why your posts make so little sense. but in the end for us you are nothing more than annoyance, and you will have to live with who you are. that's so much worse, we should pity you