Angel_mmo I'm a big fan of the Nemo character, unfortunately I couldn't get the anniversary skin that was there a few days ago, someone Could you get me one? If not, no problem 😄👍
DoubleDash Angel_mmo I am sorry, but I don’t think the anniversary skins are available anymore. Don’t quote me on that though, I don’t know for sure.
traisroberts12 Angel_mmo Those are't aniversary codes , they just used that as the background for their news.
Angel_mmo traisroberts12 It's just that I had already seen them in a game and I thought it would be possible, but it's a shame that it will be the only Nemo skin that I won't have.
Pearli Wait how do I get these skins?? When I went to the game and tried to learn how it says like tiktok incentive program? But I'm a bit confused HOW DO I GET THEM!! They are so cute!!!
Igor Pearli you cant get them now. you can only get birthday max and garfat from item shop in november