TinyTeaCup Take him off this forum I pls he is so mean if you look at Why does everyone hate IGOR he is swearing and clearly doesn't care about other ppl on the forum so pls take this meanie off!
TinyTeaCup Boogieboog0808 your profile looks like your a six yr old so six yr old cant be on this forum, git.
galaxy-cabbage Boogieboog0808 I SWAER IF I SEE SOMONE SAY WHOMP WHOMP 1 MORE TIME, LISEN last night i was playing with my freind oaklight kai kitcat and cezcake and i was buying stuff and he started stashing and hiding it and attacking me i said stop he said WHOMP WHOMP then kicked all of us out then i said in our freind chat u mean they said WHOMP WHOMP and unfreinded me i cryed last night and i noticed a lot o my freinds who joined cats kinda got a little strange and thats the story of why i will destroy u if u say WHOMP WHOMp SO PICK UP YOUR SAD BUTT AND LEAVE.
PiggyHead this guy drinks 200 bottles of rum, smokes 100 packs of cigars, and ends the night by doing some sex with 10 different women