Boogieboog0808 Imagine obviously having a mental illness with the amount of times you say Lil bro, womp womp, and nah uh. I bet if your parents even try and get your Ipad from you since your such a fucking dipshit and this most likely reflects on how you act towards them you bite them like a rabid animal due to the fact that you seem to have some of the mental illness that I'm about to state, Main character syndrome, ADD, ADHD, tourette syndrome, and probably many more. knowing this by now your parents have probably given you your ipad put you in a box and shipped you out to the middle of fucking no where with how much of a fucking mistake they see you as. how can some little kids be so nice but then you see the wasted sperm cells that have been used on shit like you when they could've been used on someone who obviously wasn't going to spend their moms credit card on clash of clans gems.💀💀💀💀