catgirl_cs Arguing doesn't mean it is a war, but Igor is forcing me into this war all because I want to change the Forum. Change is a good thing, and I was aiming to make friends, show my self-interest in this game, and even help those who have questions. It all started when the SM11T7 and LIRIK skins came out and our arguments happened. I was only defending the streamer I like watching, and I found Igor's statement, "we dont care about anyone using those skins. you are dead to us" (July 22nd, Igor) very unreasonable. Viewing a living person dead for using 1 skin seems harsh to me. Recently now, he telling everyone behind my back that I am a dishonest and nothing-but-trouble kind of person. He has been repeatedly cussing at me, calling me garbage and selfish, and turning his friends against me and my friends. All because I used Discord and arrived at this forum at a terrible time according to him. I was actually invited in by Igor, so don't believe him saying I "invaded" in. Here is what he said in Discord in our DMs, "you can maybe try to publish drawings in our drawings thread if you like to draw" (July 16th, Igor.)