Wrayyne "I'm just simply having a hard time understanding how someone can downplay basically everything everyone suggests here unless it's agreeing with the current state of the game (I'm not "crying" that it's bad by any means), and simultaneously trolling others with rude feedback by basically telling people to get over it and deal with it. Usually if people provide feedback on something there's some extent of a valid reason for it; it's not completely unfounded. You don't have to agree with it, but you also don't have to be a total gatekeeping jerk over it either. That's all I'm sayin'."
Because 99% of the crap people suggest on here would ruin the game if implemented. People have been suggesting some stuff that not only in my opinion, but others opinions too, doesn't belong in this game.
When I disagree with such posts, I'm not being a "gatekeeping jerk", as you've just rudely called me. I'm expressing my discordance with their idea.
And whether you like it or not, I have every right to post that I disagree with an idea as you have the right to post such an idea.
You're welcome to post as many ideas as you want, but you can't complain when people disagree.
You also can't call them "gatekeeping jerks" when they disagree.
Grow up.