we are talking to developers now, not people who asked for those changes. so dear developers, you legalize using exploits, breaking your promise to us, but at the same time you remove a legitimate mechanic of killing opponents. are you trying to satisfy so called "competetive" players or a casual player? it is clear to us that you only listen to those people, who don't understand your game, who have little experience and who dont care about it and will drop it when a new game comes out. you dont care about those, who actually understand it, who have experience with it and know how to play it.
we want it to remain a casual game, but we dont want you to remove everything that makes it fun. and you want you to respect your costumers and stop doing changes to base game, which are always for the worse. but who am i to listen to, right? i'm not even a streamer. despite the fact that streamers are completely clueless about this game. but that is how you do your business. and we expected better from you