Red_Panda no, what is wrong with you? the people i am friends with know why i made another account, for bad people like you i wont bother explaining. there were too many people like you assuming i am trying to promote myself, ignoring all things i say about people, who actually promote themselves. i wont waste time here
New code!
Well, you seem to be an adequate adult, but sometimes you write strange things.
I apologize for wasting your time and my time trying to explain things that are already known to reasonable people.
"Honest" and "good" are different things, yes.
But I don't see the causation in the above words anywhere.
Once again, it's empty dialog.
Igor and why are you trying to learn about me? what am i to you?
Misconception. Nowhere have I indicated that I want or am trying to get to know you.
Igor but it will be about those other people, who do damage to our planet
Sorry, what?
You think it's okay to write posts like this?
That sounds extremist and not mature.
Red_Panda you said you are trying to understand what motivates me to make such statements. this is something about me that you wanted to learn. so i say there's no point learning about me
if instead of word "damage" i say "dont do good for", will i sound nicer? again, i dont want to talk nice. i talk straight forward
Igor you said you are trying to understand what motivates me to make such statements. this is something about me that you wanted to learn. so i say there's no point learning about me
Trying to understand the nature of the phenomenon that drives a person to do something != having a desire to know a particular person.
It's not about making a beautiful or direct statement. It's about the hatred you have for people.
Red_Panda no idea what you're talking about, but i can explain what i am talking about
a nice person is not good person, because it's impossible to be honest and remain being nice. a nice person is a liar, that hides who he really is. honesty is a very important quality. you will hurt some people, but they know that you are the one, that they can trust. some people don't appreciate honesty, i know people like that and i myself was like that too, until i realized that this is something that makes a friend. some people also dont believe you, no matter how honest you are with them. and despite not being any instances of you lying or hiding something, they still wont trust you. these are the psychos i was talking about. i cant help them
A good/nice person is simply a description of a person according to some part of society. One can be a good/nice person for group "A" and at the same time be a bad person for group "B".
There are no definite criteria for a good person, just as there are no definite criteria for normality. Different cells of society have their own criteria, and often their opinions do not agree. You, as a resident of “our vast country”, probably know this and see it every day in the faces of our society, in their words, actions, etc =)
Partyanimal300 Thank you for sharing, my daughter always loves getting new skins to play with.
Red_Panda our god clearly told us what makes you a good person. i dont believe in opinions, i believe in truth, that is one for all. but i know where you are coming from, a lot of people dont like me not respecting their "opinions", even friends i spent many years with got so bothered, that they left. but this wont change for me. that's the way i am. opinions are for softies. truth is hardcore
- Edited
hmm... "Opinion" and "Truth" are completely different things and there is no correlation between them, and it is incorrect to draw a parallel between the two ))
i'll give you a hint. we should not understand people with other opinions, we should deal with them