I've read all the posts.
It's funny and stupid at the same time.
But I still don't understand the underlying hate.
All I see are generalized statements that have little to do with reality.
The reason for the hatred of streamers I've seen here is a very questionable reason, I'm apologize if I hurt your feelings, but I'd rather have the pure truth than useless "likes".
Like hating on a certain type of clothing. It's very strange when a seemingly adequate person condemns a certain type of clothing and relates it to gender.
Perhaps it's a manifestation of a certain person's mentality, I don't know. I usually try to avoid labels like “mentality”, but nothing else comes to mind yet.
It's more a matter of worldview.
Someone needs to address their problems with a specialist, not make excuses on a forum to random users.
What do you think of that? =))
The session was free. All advice, if you saw it, was unsolicited. And any opinion expressed in this text is only the author's perspective when analyzing the posts of strangers.