and YouTube does not have to be a job for you, but it is for the content creators
New code!
Igor Igor, listen to yourself. We never need celebrities, content creators, and so much more, but we have them. Why? Because it makes people happy. Thus supporting that person, so they can continue their work and make them happy. Because of that support, they hired the sound engineer because they needed someone of that skill. Those people need celebrities to do their job.
YaboiPoyo no, i see you talking bullshit here, yet you yourself cant see it. do you have problems reading? i just explained you that america is not a race. do you have problems reading again? i explained you that color22 does not stream. and i will explain this to you, if you still dont get it, color makes boring videos, but he has a fun personality. what we need is to use his personality to create better videos. i wrote it to you very clearly, but you still missed it, and i can explain you about "art" part too, obviously color22 is not art, and what i mean is that not everyone can understand what makes him fun. you can find very obscure videos on youtube and most people get turned off by them, but people who get it, loves them.
you dont need to apologize, i can see that i can't help you. it's 12 year old kids that can change, teens in their 20's wont listen. what you can do is stop wasting my time because i'm at the best part of the video now and i'm having a good time working on it now
and how would the kids know about the game without seeing what it is like without the trailer?? You know how they work now, some ads show a different entire game than the game they are trying to get people to buy.
I had the pain of Pokemon's terrible game graphics and the trailer never showed how rushed it was.
Tiny_Fox no, you listen here. don't ever tell me to "listen" again. i regret inviting you join us here, you showed us that you are a typical discorder with typical discorder views and behavior. i will talk to people, who don't use discord, they are far better
i explained everything to you, yet you keep arguing. what you should do is keep re-reading what i said until you start to understand. if you still can't understand, just drop it. i can't help you
im listening to just how stupid you type and act and I'm sorry color even associates with you tbh
YaboiPoyo oh he doesn't anymore
Igor unfriended him
YaboiPoyo do i need a better explanation? i can go into details if you want. i think his broken english is fun and he always says things that make me laugh. not only that, but sometimes it even sounds cool. from him i got ideas of how to make 2 tracks i'm going to make later. and if you spent more time with him, you would see that he also likes specific things that make him even more fun. something i dont see from other people much
i know i wont explain to you, if you don't get it, then you won't
Cartrimino i friended him back and now he learned a good lesson that will help him grow to be a better person
Igor I'm still confused why you unfriended him in the first place
Igor Most of what you said is "Don't argue with me because I am older"
I get how hard you work diligently. You say the people I watch on YouTube don't deserve it because they promote themselves. You think that's selfish. You think that people who don't try to be noticed aren't. I understand that, but it is wrong. People work hard at their start just like every other person. They get as much help as they need to be successful. No one will notice you if you don't interact with people or gain any credit !! They will promote themselves while promoting the other as a fair deal. Those people really need promotions to stay alive and keep doing what they are doing. I double read what you said, and it still confuses me how you think this.
It was never selfish in the first place
It's part of business
YaboiPoyo he has like 56 subscribers
Cartrimino i said "views" not subs.