Igor Cartrimino there were too many people who registered on this forum with sole purpose to hate on me. i lost count. and they all fail miserably with their attempts. do we remember any of their names?
DarshdaMarsh Igor it makes sense for a lot of ppl to hate on your useless life. Your only friends are your alt accounts.
Igor let the above poster keep bumping this thread. we want it to be on top, so better people find better threads
DarshdaMarsh Cartrimino lol and all you have is this forum. Your parents probably don’t let u use discord bc ur too young. Maybe get a life outside of this forum lol, maybe make some friends in real life?
DarshdaMarsh Cartrimino 😂 Says the guy that devotes his life to this forum. All you do with your life is worship Igor like he’s a god. Do something better with your time kid, plz.
Cartrimino DarshdaMarsh how about you do something better than insulting people. Bro at least I have friends here.
DarshdaMarsh Cartrimino yea all of you in this Igor cult are just people that are cast away from society, why do you think everyone hates this cult? Igor is just a toxic person trying to manipulate kids like you to join his cult.