• Feature
  • make an invisible wall around the pawes table

If you don't like change, then you wouldn't like the change of not being in a war, since stopping war would be change.

Hi @Igor @Cartrimino,

Please keep discussions respectful here and refrain from escalating the situation!

We greatly appreciate and value the feedback we receive from all of our players and thanks for your continued support. However, please avoid any language that contains personal attacks or violates “Party Animals Game Community Rules”.

Thanks for your support and cooperation!

    we have heard your opinion that you want invisible walls. your opinion comes from you not understanding why the developers decided to let you jump on table. we can't help you. we are done here

      Don't anyone dare open up this fight, end of conversation

      Barbie hi can you please ban igor from the forum he is so toxic I have sent a ticket for this report

        Nadodouha to be honest I want him banned now. I've just had an absolutely shit day and he's just gone and made it worse. I actually genuinely want to kill myself at this point

          Cartrimino don't worry cartimino we will get raid at him because he is mean to us just send a ticket in the support and everything will be ok