Partyanimal300 Igor i need you to be a little nicer and even though you help people i still think you should be nicer and EVEN THOUGH I'M TALKING BADASS I DON'T CARE
Partyanimal300 Igor who cares? I am so mad at you i don't freaking care if i can't compete with 1.3k posts i need you to be a little nicer please or we will fight to the death if you don't become nicer ok?
Partyanimal300 PiggyHead weren't you helping me with my horror game idea? At first you were helping me now you're turning against me? Wow and also aren't you the one who tried to get igor banned?
PiggyHead Partyanimal300 I thought he was mean but that's just his personality, you made this thread after I helped you
Partyanimal300 PiggyHead hey i have another stupid idea why DON'T YOU MAKE A THREAD ABOUT GETTING ME BANNED HUH!!
Partyanimal300 CLM7557 i know this is sad to watch i just don't wanna see another thread trying to get someone banned thats why i said to make a thread trying to ban me instead of igor or you
Cartrimino Partyanimal300 Igor is one of the nicest people I met on this forum and in game. If you think he's mean then... I don't know, you're just fucking high I guess.
Cartrimino Partyanimal300 then you better get on your knees and start sucking bc there isn't any way you're winning this.