Igor I'm not trolling. Almost 2 hours to complete daily challenges is ridiculous, especially when I can't plan for this ahead of time. I got on early today hoping to knock them out before I got busy and saw them and it's pretty much a guarantee I won't be able to do them for today. It wouldn't be that big of a deal at all if the rewards were just Nemo bucks or cookies or regular Xp. But this is limited time content and I like a couple of these skins and I don't know that I'll be able to finish the pass if I miss any more days.
Again, it would be better if all challenges for the week were posted at once and we could choose when to complete them. I simply can't play Party Animals for an hour every day and the game isn't fun with the onus of daily objectives. It's usually something I hop on and do 2 games or so to wind down every day and that is fun. Then on weekends or various weekdays sometimes I have more time and can play for 4 hours at a time. Make all daily challenges for the week available at once so that we can complete them when we have time. It's still the same amount of challenges and the same XP reward, just more flexibility on when we can complete it, so it shouldn't have any effect on Nemo bucks skins or anything like that.
And if you're referring to my other post, RNG is a terrible unlock system. I don't expect to or want to unlock everything, but it just so happens that one of the only base game skins I haven't unlocked (swat cat) is one that I want. I would never spend money on a game for just a chance at unlocking something, especially when it's like this game where I'd most likely just get duplicates of things I already have that convert to cookies. A system where I can pay Nemo bucks and choose the skin I want to unlock is a valid suggestion and would be much better. On top of that, I actually would buy Nemo bucks if that were the case.