Cartrimino I didn’t
collab ideas
Cartrimino Wait, how do you know if we get a Collab if that Scott
ShinyToot yes...and literally everything else the account said has came true.
And they've been posting hype movie teasers too.
Cartrimino Wait, who will the Collab be announced by?
ShinyToot we still have no idea
All we know is that there's some sort of password on the cloak website thing (look at JonnyBlox's twitter if you want more info this is all I know)
Oh, wait nvm, fnaf is doing a Collab with someone we don’t know. I don’t really want them to add Fnaf to Party Animals, I think it would be strange
ShinyToot yeah I guess it would
They should add The Goat from Cult of the Lamb in PARTY ANIMALS
Dogs in space
GreenPeaFG we already have Space Nemo
Cartrimino his name is The Goat
Igor collab with fnaf
Gumball from The Amazing World of Gumball
Jake the dog from adventure time
Gamer65 no that game is demonic and i hate it and it deserves no attetion,
GreenPeaFG yes yes yes and yes
Gamer65 still no no demonic goat im already polverising everyplayer with the sheep. the amazing world of gumball ideas is yes yes. and i do too want jake
galaxy-cabbage i agree. we hate satanic stuff
Igor only jesus and heaven im angy i wanna sue cult of da lamp S U E S U E SUEEEEEEE. no demonic, they turning pepole away from god