Hello! I have a couple of suggestions for the game: 1 •weapons in the game really spoil the balance. For example, nunchucks, any player can take nunchucks at the beginning of a round and, by pressing just one button, win the game. and this is very unfair. I propose to make the weapon something like durability, for example: the player hits the enemy 3 times with a shovel, after which it breaks, or for example a crossbow, the player shoots 15-20 arrows and has no more. and finally the nunchucks, it seems to me that they need to be made so that they break after 3-4 hits or after 5 hits, but so that the probability of hitting yourself with nunchucks is at least 15%. I think this would really help balance the game, as right now, in my opinion, this is the main problem of the game. 2 • it would be very cool if you could view a few of the latest games, for example, like in the game Brawl Stars. After all, it often happens that something incredible happened in the game, but the player did not record it. It's very sad at times like this
some suggestions for the game
get these shit suggestions to steam forums and learn to play
7 months passed and you're still asking to nerf nunchuks. it should be clear by now that they arent going to do it. all you need is simply learn to play
why does u reply so toxic? can u name any arguments? if weapons are really imbalance
if you are unhappy with this game, there are steam forums where people complain 24/7. here we dont need this negativity
Igor I don’t understand the reason for your aggression, I’m not at all dissatisfied with the game, but on the contrary, I’m expressing my idea on how to improve it, you, in turn, begin to be aggressive, but there is no reason for this. if you are “tired of explaining the same thing,” then no one is forcing you to do it.
it is suggestion, we are trying to improve the game. negativity is only you. u are toxic and negative, do not think you are useful and stop insulting others. hope u will be banned one day
Duldubla bro Igor is smart playing style. I learned a good strat from him
Duldubla you can give positive suggestions such as an idea for a new map, new skin or new weapon. what you suggest is making game less fun for everyone just because you dont know how to play against weapons. if you were better at this game, you wouldnt think that weapons are overpowered. if you still cant handle weapons, then there's an option for you to turn them off in custom.
somehow children dont complain about weapons and are having fun with this game
- Edited
I was leafing through the forum, there were many similar questions on the posts under which you actively wrote, but you didn’t answer any of them. ok, tell me now how old are you?
Nightmareismeep Well, firstly, I didn’t call you stupid, and secondly, you just went and threw an arrow, I think, considering this a GENIUS argument