the officials dont read this forum and they have their own designers for skins

    Igor I guess you didn't know that the Loong and the Xmas Elk were both chosen there.

      IgorsFan where there?

      Are you asking about the source I mentioned above?

      • Igor replied to this.

        pcliu you said those skins were chosen "there". where?

          There is a Chinese website that my main article mentions in the Party Animal China Forum link.

          pcliu i dont understand. did the developers find those skins on chinese forum or were those skins sent to devs elsewhere?

            They held a outfits design campaign 'there"
            And now it seems that the second one is being held.

            The designs that are adopted will appear in the game and we can all play them.
            These are the two outfits I mentioned earlier. The author may have other remuneration.

            I saw video that the author of Loong received the reward of all passes + 20k bucks.

              pcliu where can you read about this campaign and where can you submit your designs? i still dont understand what website you're talking about

                IgorsFan That's not my design, I'm just sharing the information I saw in China region.
                The video and posts in the links are their respective authors.

                  pcliu i never assumed it's your design. i simply want to know where the developers see pictures that other people draw for them

                    None of the authors of the link provided the URL of the event website.

                    If I knew the URL, I would have attached it to the main article. I only know that you must register as a member to view that website.
                    If you have been rewarded with exclusive outfits before, you might have joined them.

                    • Igor replied to this.

                      pcliu this brings us back to what i posted at start. we cant just post our ideas here, the officials wont notice them. we need the link to this contest

                        You may go to the forum and ask the author for the contest link.
                        I just happened to see this information and wanted to say that we can have some more supportive opinions here.

                        After all, it seems that official design events are only held in China.
                        Although the official discord has a suggestion-vote channel, it seems to be just for decoration.

                        That’s why I want to say that we can tweet and express our opinions on the designs we support and like here. If the officials are really reading this forum.

                        • Igor replied to this.

                          pcliu the officials dont care about our opinions on this forum. we need a better place where we can vote

                          dont share this with discorders please. i dont want their skins in game

                          but we dont even have proper artists on this forum as they look for places where they can get more likes

                          if only we could find other artists outside of PA and make them interested in drawing animals and skins