Red_Panda BenjiAgain Perhaps your actions are also annoying other players who should have been playing on the same team with you before you decided to quit. Think about it.
meep Red_Panda sorry for you. I play on pc and I only got kicked out once and that was because I was playing with Fasty😂😂😂
BenjiAgain Red_Panda Well i was thrown out of the game when the match started, I tried to rejoin but it sent me to the menu (again?) and THROWED me into the ban, so i had to SUFFER for 2 minutes.
Red_Panda BenjiAgain Ah, well, that's a slightly different situation. It is difficult to interpret the problem in the first message =) I agree, in this case the ban is annoying.
Igor Red_Panda your english is good and none of us should apologize for it. we should be speaking chinese here
Red_Panda meep I'm on a pc too. I was getting kicked off the server because of a "losing connection", which isn't really a bad connection =)
Fattyshow Can't make a difference between losing connection and actually leaving the game because the game would register Alt+F4 as losing connection too, allowing people to leave whenever they want, leaving their team handicapped.
IgorsFan i spoke to @Igor on this issue. he believes that bans for leaving is some "cybersports bullshit" but he also thinks that there should be a way to punish those who leave without a good reason
Furzy For some reason I don't get bands I get a 'the current round isn't over want to join' Also it's there because some people like to leave if there team is losing
jej Furzy That’s odd, everyone I speak to gets a 2 minute ban after leaving a game half way through. Yours just tells you the round isn’t over?