Igor Thunderbird7047 i searched for "party animals game". the store name is Luck Cat98 store. i cant send you the link as i'm on russian aliexpress, but if you still cant find it, i can help you search for it. as alternative you can order from japs https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=FIGURE-160978
Igor the figures are for kids, it's true, but i never talked about figures before. i never buy figures but i still want that cat because i like party animals a lot
Igor the figure is well painted and has weight to it, the bag is soft. it feels high quality. i recommend. this is my review let's see if the weight is enough to keep my mousepad from sliding on table so i can replace the zelda figure that i hate. but most importantly what does he drink? https://strawpoll.com/Q0ZpRAkzGnM
Igor should i buy shovel nemo since they fixed shovel? i asked the reseller if they will have new figures in their store
Igor PiggyHead ¥79 in tmall, no idea how much the reseller would ask for it, but he sold me my macchiato for quite cheap
Gamer65 Igor I know it says it's in Russian and it says Automatic translation Hello, this has a blind box, no style confirmed Original ^ English, Chinese, German ...