Igor Thunderbird7047 i hate fall guys and vomit from even thinking about it. play eggy party, it's much better
Thunderbird7047 Igor what the heck is eggs party? Sounds like some crappy copy of fall guys in roblox
Igor sonic is a possibility as sonic is very into collabs, but mostly with sega's games. sometimes with other big games and even smaller games. so far party animals did collabs only with smaller games
Igor Thunderbird7047 larger playerbase doesnt mean a better game. all popular games are awful. plus eggy party just came out globally and we have yet to see what happens with it
Thunderbird7047 Igor fortnite and minecraft are the only good popular games, and I'm not saying eggy party is bad, I'm saying it sounds bad, is it free to play, and is It on xbox?
Igor Thunderbird7047 fortnite is the worst game ever made. minecraft is good it's free on mobile. i play on pc with emulator