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    Anyone want to silence the cat girl? She doesn't seem to understand that this is a news thread.

      catgirl_cs This Igor cult does NOT help people, all of you guys are just toxic kids, it’s a miracle you guys haven’t been banned yet.

        Cartrimino I just wanted to see if the Igor cult was a real thing. A lot of ppl on discord are complaining about how toxic you are and I wanted to check it out. That wasn’t a good idea I guess lol

          catgirl_cs Thank you, I really come here with the intention of watching a news story and I only see people fighting, let's leave the fights here please

          catgirl_cs how do I deserve to be banned? You guys are the toxic ones 😂 Your “leader” Igor just got banned a few days ago, not a very good look for your cult.

            Came back to the forum, this is an interesting thing to see.