Igor with all the satanic things like dracula levi, devil lloyd, 666 achievement and 666 mb update files a question arises - when are we going to see something "good"?
Igor but also one rule, if i show you the upcoming character, you cant play the guessing game, because it will be not fair
Igor CLM7557 i don't think anyone on this forum knows about this character. i'm not sure how you even supposed to guess this character
Igor i can give you a hint that it's a dog, which isn't even a dog, from another game. but don't tell twitter, i want to screenshot them saying it's a fox for my collection
Jipster Jackie553145 I hope this will come later in the store, I'm not going buy a game for a skin. 😂
Igor or join their discord and ask if someone can share. send me one too so i can give it to @Color22 , i don't like asking