Did you see the kung full levy

Nightmareismeep I’m glad I saw the thread and didn’t like how Igor was treating you. I could see the Spotify playlist lol anyways I hope u have a good day

Igor It's great news. Thank you for the information )

Will it be skins in the shop?

  • Igor replied to this.

    Lot of stuff coming on the 18th. Is it a special day or something? Or just random

    • Igor replied to this.

      CLM7557 what i assume is that we'll get 2 pandas for free and the skins you will get by completing challenges like in dragon pass. and later you will be able to buy pandas from shop for 900 cookies and skins for 800-1600 nemo bucks. that's my guess, we will have to see

      pipa it's 18 and 19. there are no special days in china between tomb sweeping day and labour day. you should ask the developers why they chose these dates

      I wonder if we will get anything else with this big update.

      • Igor replied to this.