Igor I got it as soon as it came also that's lady Gaga?

  • Igor replied to this.

    Igor That's great news. Now my friends will be able to purchase it )

    Can the developers add in the next update a beaver with drip, an ocelot, an amur leopard, a zebra, an eagle, a panda and thats the animals i want in the game.

      Igor NO I’m happy that new skins are cookies but, LADY QUAK PLZ NO, I HATE THAT SKIN

      Also yesterday I found bugalugs nugget in a qm game

      • Igor replied to this.

        meep I now ALL ABOUT IT also is hazbin the only vivsipop show you watch or do you watch hell of a boss too or bad luck jack

        • meep replied to this.

          Igor I didn't know why but I just started laughing at this

          Furzy its the only one i watch. though i watch it on prime video

            Furzy i found out abt it via fortnite emote lol

            Oh ok well my fav character is Angle dust

            we'll be making water landing but that's OK because this is a seaplane