Igor the weekly shop refreshes only in 4 days, so there is a chance we'll actually get om nom for 900 cookies in daily shop
ChrisHansen I used free sms numbers to get multiple redemption codes for the Taigra skin with no issues.
Bvckyyy ChrisHansen hey, how have you managed this? i just tried it and mine has come up with some sort of “violation” 🙁
Igor it's neither 900 nor 22500, but 6000 instead. why is om nom cheaper than the rest of ip collabs?
ChrisHansen Bvckyyy I used a Canadian number from a free sms site, and was behind a VPN located in Singapore. Was able to get it to work in both Firefox and Opera browser with no issues. Not sure if any of those steps matter or if I just got lucky.
Igor Fricky just tell me your name because i keep getting friend requests from people that i didn't give my discord to
Igor next steam sale is soon. vote how much you think the discount will be https://strawpoll.com/6QnMOzXjVZe
Red_Panda Igor Is this skin expected to be available in the shop? Some of my friends didn't get it in time (