Igor why do devs write everything on discord and twitter and completely abandon this place? the forum is so much better. i'll start doing their job for you
Igor smithalisha27 https://webcast.amemv.com/magic/eco/runtime/release/65ae5e9cdc64ad059a80591c?type=popup&magic_source=popupWebviewSchema&show_back=1&__live_platform__=webcast&magic_page_no=1&loading_duration=1000&hide_nav_bar=1&hide_status_bar=1&auto_play_bgm=1&appType=webcast&__live_platform__=webcast&utm_campaign=client_share&app=aweme&utm_medium=ios&tt_from=copy&utm_source=copy for easier viewing. they didnt have it there before
Igor Fasty please send me news from discord so i can post them here. i can force myself to visit twitter but not discord
Fasty Igor Nobody forces you to correspond there. I have chat notifications disabled, so I only see news)
Fasty Angel_mmo It seems to me that this is just a drawing and will not be included in the skins. But that's just my opinion
Kelaiin feifei 这是twitch的掉宝活动,仅限国际服获取,奖励是关联steam账户直接发送到游戏里的,并不是兑换码的形式 coco 的新年醒狮皮肤国服目前还没有获得方法,不过别担心,肯定会有的