Allistervf RxPhantom yup, need a Hippo. One of my favorite animals. Hopefully a purple one to emulate my fav mtg card.
RxPhantom Allistervf Sounds like an MTG IP collab should happen. Phelddagrif, Squee, Fblthp, Ajani, maybe a cute lil' Bolas.
GrannyMax We are working on new characters, thank you all for your suggestions. Looks like turtle, red panda, panda is what we have to do. But man, how do we differentiate a fox from a Nemo (corgi), a husky from an Alaskan. They look like a fat version, a weight-loss version of the same animal!!
Allistervf GrannyMax I'm surprised axolotl didn't make the cut. Lots of people have been on the axolotl/frog train of late.
RxPhantom GrannyMax I think a fox would have a different shape to its snout, more prominently pokey ears, a bushy tail, and have a sneaky vibe. Also...hippo! Hippo hippo HIPPO!
Bucker GrannyMax Fox would probably be the easiest to answer. Beyond the color palette that corgis wouldn't have, foxes have smaller slimmer snouts (and come with smaller noses as a result.) The other would be the tail which Nemo has but might as well not (can't really tell frankly.) Honestly, I think differentiating between a Red Panda and a Fox would be the harder thing to do.
MeowMix Bucker GrannyMax I would say to make Fox as a new character ad they do have a few very distinctive characteristics like you said - smaller snouts, hairier cheeks, and a very bushy and long tail. The red panda should be combined under the Raccoon as a skin.
zuimaomao413 Allistervf There are also many characters, and in the near future he will announce other characters that will be developed, not only pandas, raccoons
Badskorp FISTSofFURRY this is already a character who will be added soon you can see it in the crowd of beast hockey
GhostClown My favorite is hyena. Toucan, elephant, chicken, giraffe, lion, fox, turtle, capybara, octopus, frog, rat, opossum, llama, sheep, whale, penguin, red panda and frilled lizard. For the weird I would also love a cute style Mothman with red eyes.
MrAmazo asanchez19 Lion Elephant Dragon (in the crowd in some maps) Axolotl Penguin Koala Hippo Squirrel Raccoon Chicken Eagle (fat belly eagle) Leopard/Panther Baboon
Vaci8 fawn monkey mouse penguin elephant squirrel water horse (hippopotamus) goat kangaroo hedgehog beaver cow Puli dog