• Feature
  • Suggestion: Add cartoon-like sound effects

I've been wondering if adding cartoon-like sound effects might be fun. They could be added for things like slipping on a banana skin, running on the ice on Broken Arrow, and more. Many YouTube videos that people record add this kind of effect and I feel it just makes everything a lot funnier.

These sound effects could be an option, so for those that don't like them they can be turned off.

This is something @Igor is starting to experiment with too, using his microphone to play sound effects.

Here's an example YouTube video where sound effects have been added so you can get an idea. Skip forward to about 2:35. WARNING: This video might contain some swearing!


    BugalugsNugget i thought you were talking about something different. i'm not sure this is something developers will ever add. i could only watch your video for 9 seconds, that is too much for me

      Igor Fair enough. Worth considering though, but sounds like it should definitely be optional as some wouldn’t like them.

      • Igor replied to this.

        oh wait, not any. a suggestion to nerf nunchucks is not welcome

          2 months later

          Igor yea but one time on ichiban I grabbed nunchucks and shot off like a rocket in angry birds 2 into the temple area

          • Igor replied to this.