reply fast because the code may stop working soon

an hour have passed. let's give it to massive then before it stops working. @PiggyHead log in to discord

i learned how to get shiny coins cheap in eggy party and now i'm getting rich. i already have more coins than i'll probably ever need

a girl was asking me to gift her a skin in eggy party and said some things that sounded very unrealistic. i have no respect to people, who assume bad things about me, so we will not be like them and assume that she is lying. assuming bad things about other people makes you a bad person. i still won't gift her a skin

    Igor lol I left my phone at school yesterday and also I think that’s why it’s a lil creepy

    for those who were interested about my upcoming video, the first part is for the most part done. it's 4 and half minutes long and includes 67 tips. but this is just the beginning of the video. i will soon send to to be translated to chinese, while i work on the rest of the video

      i was wrong, they jumped straight to 15th chinese season. these are upcoming skins

        we're teaching yeegy about party animals skins