Igor Among those that most attracted my attention is one at the final destination with several Barbie near the shore of the train's Anden with a good take -out and another where the players put themselves around a bomb and capture the moment when it explodes and spears them by the air to all. In another it looks at half explosion but only throws one. The others are quite common, like several dancing with the emotes at the pool table and screenshots of the Premiation Room where they take the photo at the end of the match.
I can give you the hashtag to see them or copy the image and post the here if you want to see it. At this moment my PC did not want to work and I am from my mobile, so I may have no more activity than like to comments and make some comments.
As a photo suggestion, in Black Hole Lab, do you remember the clip do you need to PAW? I wonder if it is possible to do it with 4 players with the camera where it is held to the bars, but I suppose the one who takes the photo when not moving would be at the end being grab by someone else.