Tiny_Fox this does not answer both of my questions. let me answer for you then:
- no
- no
now imagine how you would feel if our friends kept bothering you and speaking badly about you behind your back. dont tell me you would be okay with that. i decided to cooperate with you so you convince the remaining terrorist to stop bothering us and we can finally have some peace on this forum. those invaders are the ones who create drama here, yet they always try to shift it on us. so you tried to help us, and for a moment it felt like it's finally peaceful here, but you still have so many friends, who dont wish me good, that they just keep coming. on your own discord server you are protected and you can kick anyone who brings trouble. here we have no walls, and people of discord take advantage of that, invading us in hordes to start drama. when will they finally realize that they are the cause of problems? it feels like we should start taking actions ourselves against them and nuke discord with all people in it. otherwise they will just keep coming.
regarding who spoke badly about me, i have showed you those of your friends on discord. i will not promote them here like they promote me, but you should know who those people are